Big Save : Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector
You really want Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector with preserve price? We currently have fantastic deals for Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector. It is incredibly reduced price today.
Cheap Price Now! Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector !!!
** Product Details : Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector
- Total Band protection with selectable bands
- Low-profile alert periscopes
- Radar Signature ID (RSID)
- Cordless platform
- Intense blue text display
- Battery Operated
- 72 Point Digital Compass
- Internal Battery Charger
- Battery Voltage Gauge
- 360° Maxx Coverage
** Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector - - Review by Bruce
I got Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector - items yesterday. It worked so well exactly as presented. Amazing unit. User helpful to the idea that I did not desire to look over any instructions to operate. Checked the distances with other products and seems to be very precise. Thrilled I made the purchasing. I would advise this product to you.
Buy Now! Whistler XTR-540 Cordless Radar Detector