Big Save : PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter
You wish to have PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter with preserve price? We now have fantastic deals for PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter. It is very good deal now.
Cheap Price Now! PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter !!!
** Product Details : PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter
- Includes AC Adapter
- Boundary Dial Control
- Outdoor Use
- High-Low Switch
- For use in the US only. This unit is compatible with all US 110v outlets and are not to be used with 220v international voltage.
- Completely wireless/portable
- Covers an adjustable circular area up to 1/2 acre (180 feet in diameter)
- Includes AC Power adaptor
- Locate indoors 2-4 feet above ground level
** PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter - - Review by Edward
I was given PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter - product last week. It helped exactly as promoted. Wonderful product. User helpful to the time that I did not have to have to go through any information to operate. Checked the distances with other item and appears to be to be very accurate. Seriously happy I made the spend money on. I would advise using this unit to you.
Buy Now! PetSafe Wireless Fence Extra Transmitter