Today Sale : Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black
You would prefer Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black with save money price? We now have amazing deals for Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black. It is highly good deal today.
Cheap Price Now! Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black !!!
$$$ Product Details : Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black
- Motion activated nighttime lighting which detects motion up to 30-Feet away
- Black metal construction with seeded glass with weather resistant finish
- Uses 1-100-Watt max medium base bulb (not included)
- Meets energy star requirements
- 2 year warranty
$$$ Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black - - Review by William
I gotten Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black - product last week. It worked so well exactly as presented. Excellent product. User friendly to the position that I did not want to look over any guidance to operate. Checked the distances with other product and would seem to be to be very accurate. Ecstatic I made the select. I would recommend this product to you.
Buy Now! Heath/Zenith SL-4152-BK 150-Degree Motion-Activated Shaker Point Mission Style Decorative Lantern, Black