
MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector

Cheap Cheap : MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector

You wish MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector with help save price? We already have one of a kind deals for MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector. It is highly affordable price currently.

Cheap Price Now! MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector !!!

$$$ Product Details : MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector

  • UL listed for recreational vehicle use
  • Test/Reset button mutes alarm during ventilation. Tests all alarm functions in one easy step. No dangerous gas required to test alarm
  • Wide operation range 8-16 volts and avoid most low battery voltage alarms
  • Fully operational during mute cycle
  • Operating temperature range of 31 F to 150 F
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$$$ MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector - - Review by James

I been given MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector - item yesterday. It has worked exactly as presented. Great unit. User helpful to the issue that I did not need to learn any details to operate. Checked the distances with other item and appears to be very right. Delighted I made the get. I would highly recommend this unit to you.

Buy Now! MTI Industries 40-442A-WT 12-V Flush Mount LP Gas Detector